Jumping Rainbows

in real time

author's note: it's not that i've forgotten that you need to capitalize the first word of a sentence.  it's just that at the moment i can't capitalize them.

as many of you know.  back in june.  i made my greatest purchse to date of a kindle 2.  since then, it's opened up many doors, both literally and figuretively!  there's the aspect of much more independent reading, which i discussed in a pervious entry, so i'm not gonna go into any detail about it in this one.  here, today, i wanna talk about something much more exciting!

if you saw my note at the top, some of you are probably wondering about it.  well, it's because i'm writting this directly from my kindle and can't hold down the shift key on my kindle keyboard and press keys at the same time.  yeah, you read that right!  i'm writing this entry in real time with the help of my kindle!  although writing in real time at this moment is exciting, it means one even bigger thing for the future!  what might that be?

well, it's the fact that there won't be nearly as much of a gap between when the desire to write strikes me and when i actually get what's on my mind written.  for as long as i've had my blog, this has been an issue simply because my best blogging ideas usually come at night after i'm in bed and away from my computer.  while i won't be able to access my kindle any easier than i'm able to access my computer from bed, during the day it takes a lot less time to get my kindle set up for writing than it does my computer.  yay for technology!  :)

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