Jumping Rainbows

A very, very brief reprieve

  If any of you have read my post from yesterday, by the time he reached the end of it, it was probably more than apparent that I wasn't in my usual state of mind.  Well, I wanted to take a quick minute to let you all know that although there is still a continuous ache of wishing I wasn't still sleeping in a single bed, for a few brief moments last evening, the sadness and core cutting emptiness were lifted!

  At about 10:30 last night, he called me and asked me if I still wanted him to come over.  Earlier in the evening, I had told him to come see me later if he didn't fall asleep.  So, when he called and asked me, my response, without hesitation was, "of course!"  With that, he said he would be over shortly.  He was, and for the first time all day, while he was here, I didn't feel like crying!  Unfortunately, it all ended too quickly because he had to work this morning, and he needed to be up by seven o'clock.  So he was only able to stay with me for about an hour, but at least it was something!  Smile

  As I've said many times before, I really don't think he fully understands how deep this issue goes for me, and he may never.  At this point all I can do is keep trying to show him, and tell him just exactly what it means.  Maybe with enough repetition, he will begin to understand.  All I can do is hope, and know that only time will tell.

  For now though, I'm just eternally grateful that if even for the briefest of moments the weight and heaviness of the sadness that I was feeling all day long yesterday was lifted!  Smile

  Thanks Chan man, it meant a lot, and I hope you realize that!  Smile

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