Star's Stellar Journal

Still have some glooms but its better today :)

First things first this is for my good freind Berlin aka Berlina.......ANTS, OILS, AND ROBERT PATTINSON!  lol I never tire of it.

Well today went very well.  We only had 3 boys in the Kindergarden Class today, but it was still hecktic because one of them I believe has ADHD really bad he can never sit in his chair for long and will get up and run out of the room into the halls for no reason if we don't stop him before he reaches the door he is quiet a handfull.  Luckily the other 2 boys are quiet little angels we try to give them lots of attention so they don't feel left out when we are always having to get onto Connor for something.  The Easter Service went very well, everyone seemed to enjoy it.  When I got home  I did the dishes, the laundry and ate some lunch.  Then spent the rest of the day in the chat room and on you tube watching some videos.  I didn't feel like watching the movies I had listed yesterday I'm not sure why guess just needed something funny to watch and You tube deffinately has some good ones.  Like the ones about the Swedish Chef from Sesemae Street lol.

I have to work tomorrow I'm not sure how long I never am lol.  I'm hopping on Tuesday my friend and I will both be off and we can go see Water For Elephants I want to see it so bad!  Other then that nothing going on for this week that I know of.  There's no Drama Team meeting this week so I'm going bonkers because I enjoy Drama Team we have a lot of laughs and the girls are very nice to me.  The 2 guys are polite but that's about it they can't seem to see past my age the way the other girls have.  They see me as one of themselves because mentally I act like them.  May will be busy though.  The Strawberry Festival which is Hawaiian Themed this year so that will be fun!  Plus the Church's Vacation Bible School which is themed about The Big Apple ( the city) Also The Kindergarden class is gona hopefuly have a "parents evening out" where Sandy and I will take them for a couple of hours one afternoon and allow the parents to go out to eat and just some quiet time.  That should be  Other then that nothing to talk about really today so Bye for now!

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