Star's Stellar Journal


Hey Everyone,

I am so mad right now!  After Carrie and I cleaned out my room of stuff I don't need or use anymore and put it all in the yard sale or took it to the dump I didn't think any harm would come from it all, but then yesterday I was going through my room trying to find my prom and military ball pics that were proffesionally done * yall haven't seen them* And I couldn't find them!

Mom,Dad,and I have looked everywhere!  And we still can't find them I'm starting to freak out becuase if they went to the dump they have already been burned to ashes with the other garbage!  That's like 100 bucks down the drain...and my parents money wich is worse!  I hope to God I find them, I never even got to give any of them to my friends.  My sister in law got one a few weeks ago but that's all the ones I've given away!  Pls wish me luck in finding them!  G2g *hugs and muahs* Byess



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