Star's Stellar Journal

Junior Church

Hey Everyone,

I was really tired today cause I couldn't sleep last night cause of that nap I took yesterday lol.  But you know dad...won't let me miss church unless we have a huge fight and I refuse to go....I was to tired for this....or if I'm throwing up sick with a feavor.  So I went down with the Junior church during the preacher's sermon so I wouldn't fall asleep.  I fixed the kid's snacks and watched them during free time.

It was a lot of fun.  When I got home I chated online till lunch, wich was a turkey dinner..yum.  Then me and mom watched Frankienfish....very cool horror movie.  Then I took a much needed nap.  But I g2g for now I have Acteens tonight wich is a class for the teenage girls to learn about missions and get to do some hands on stuff and riase money and stuff.  Then I have church and after that it's Game Night for the entire  youth....I hope we play capture the flag lol.  Well g2g *Hugs and muahs* Love you byessss



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