Star's Stellar Journal

A busy 2 days

Hey Everyone,

    Yesterday I spent my day going through my cloths for the yardsale we have in the spring/summer.  I tried on all my cloths that I hadn't worn recently to see how they fit me and to get rid of things that were way to big or small or they were just very vaded and torn up, and then I packed them into a box to make room for some new cloths and possibly suits and things depending on where I get a job and what the dress code will be lol.  I"m hopin for dressy cassual I hate being super dressed up.  I also washed my dirty bed linens and put on fresh sheets and then washed mom and dads dirty sheets as well and other laundry.  And I did the dishes and worked on the grocery list. 

  Then we went and got groceries nothing very amusing or interesting happened while we were out.  When we got home we put things away and then I watched a little bit of tv and then went to bed hoping to get up early and start trying to not to sleep so much during the day, but I didn't sleep good at all last night so I didn't get up till 10 I'd meant to get up at 8 lol.  I spent today finishing up my homework and watching The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King with mom and just relaxing nothing else has really happened today so I guess I'll stop for today if anyting else happens I'll write about it tomorrow.  Till Then *hugs and muahs* Be good!  Byes!



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