Star's Stellar Journal

3rd Day as an LG Assisstant

Hey Everyone,

Today was pretty enteresting...some lil boy decided that instead of walking down to  the camp to go to the  bathroom he'd  go number 2 ont he side of the pool...ew.  I thankfully didn't see it happen, I was on break at the time, I only heard about it lol.

Plus one of the junior counselors  was doing a dive and didn't pull up intime and scraped her mouth on the bottom of the pool.  She didn't get badly hurt, her mouth jsut went numb for a while.  Other then that nothing happened really.  And Sharon said she's proud of me that I handled things as well as I did being there alone all day with just the kids and the counselors.  She asked me to stay for dinner and I agreed.  It was good to be back in the old kitchen for dinner and desert and the singing and fun.  She also asked me to stay all afternoon monday so I could eat dinner and go to chapel and hear the new speaker she thinks I"ll enjoy what he has to say.  Then go to the campfire with them.  Well that's all for today *hugs and muahs* Byess



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