Fourteen Steps to Nowhere

Entry Ten

Somedays I wake up and I just lay down for a while.  I don't go to sleep, but I lay there and I watch the morning light move across the room.  I watch the shadows shift and the room go from black to purple to rose to golden.  Sometimes I get up and I look out the window.  I like to watch the light expand over the sleeping land.  I like to watch for the first movements of light, maybe open my windows and listen to the first birdsong of the day.  Sometimes I like to watch the light move on the mountains.  Shadows step into the light and dissolve.  Dawn, the first part of the day in which you can be caught between.

The dusk, my favorite part of the day, is the second `tween of the day.  I love watching the collision of light and shadows, like doorways with their keyholes rusting shut.  It feels like you can be anytime during dusk.  That time you sat out and watched the night fall over the land could have been the entrance to the same night that Rome burned.    It could have been the entrance to a flight to the moon or the first step into a nightmarish future filled with broken dreams and crumbling societies.

I am thankful for the boundless betweens of our nights and days and the doorways they present.

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