Daniel's Stuff

Environmental Activist

Picture of EarthWorking for the environment.

Face it folks, most people who claim to be environmentalists are either blithering idiots or leftist weenies.  More often than not, they end up hurting and/or killing the very thing they claim to be saving and when the deed is done they excuse their actions because they did it under the license of concern or compassion.  If you want to learn how to be a real environmentalist and be someone who makes a definitive positive contribution to the environment, keep reading...

How to detect an environmentalist wacko.

The first thing you need to do is get informed.  There are a lot of religious environmentalist nutcases out there who will do nothing more than confuse you with bullshit.  It is important that you get the real facts, not the manufactured opinions of eco-wackos.

If you are not sure if the person talking to you is a wacko, ask them to do the following: Name one or more fully implemented environmental policies that you supported (or any environmental organization you belong to supported) that later turned out to be a failure (caused more harm than good) and should never have been implemented in the first place.

This is essentially asking them if they have ever had stinky poop.  Even while standing in a pile of it, an environmentalist wacko will never admit to a mistake.  If you should encounter one, back away slowly and cleanse yourself thoroughly.

Here is how YOU can help the environment.

Here are few things that YOU can do for the environment that will do far more good in one day than what a gaggle of babbling Earth First radicals can do in a year of welfare check days.


  • Turn off lights every time you leave a room.
  • Replace ALL incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. 


  • Set your water heater to 130 degrees (140 if you use a dishwasher)
  • Take showers instead of baths.
  • Shower with your husband/wife.
  • Insulate your water heater and the hot water pipes from it. 


  • Have an energy audit of your home.
  • Put in vapor barriers, then insulate your ceilings and walls.
  • Seal any leaks in your heating ducts and then insulate them.
  • Weather-strip and caulk your windows.
  • Install storm windows, coated or double pane if appropriate.
  • Weather-strip your doors, especially the bottom.
  • Put gaskets behind all your outlets and switch plates.
  • Do a "leak patrol" with a candle (if it flickers, there's a draft)
  • Tune up and clean your furnace annually.
  • Put shiny reflectors behind your radiators.
  • Wear a sweater and set your thermostat to 68 degrees day, 55 night.
  • Open shades and drapes in daytime and close them at night.
  • Make your drapes air tight on the top, bottom and sides.
  • Use a space heater if you only need to heat one room. 


  • Using ceiling fans.
  • Set your air conditioner at 78 degrees or higher
  • Turn your air conditioner down 5 degrees before leaving for work and turn it off if you plant to leave for more than a day. 
  • Clean or replace your air conditioner filters once a month.
  • Keep your air conditioner well shaded from the sun.
  • Close your shades and drapes during the day.
  • Plant trees to shade your house in summer.
  • Buy appliances with high EERs (Energy Efficiency Ratings).
  • Install reflective aluminum on the underside of roof rafters.
  • Be naked.  It's healthy and comfortable. 


  • Make sure your stove burners have clean, shiny reflectors.
  • Use electronic ignition with gas stoves rather than pilot lights.
  • Check and replace, if necessary, your refrigerator door gasket.
  • Put the refrigerator "power-saver" switch on.
  • Defrost frozen food in your refrigerator for a day. 


  • Use cold or warm water settings on your washing machine
  • Use less water for smaller loads.
  • Dry your clothes on a line, inside or outside. 
  • If it is not dirty and it does not smell, do not wash it.


  • Put low flow aerators on all your faucets.
  • Install a low flow shower head.
  • Fix any leaking faucets or toilets.
  • Install toilet displacement device or an ultra low flush toilet.
  • Don't let the water run when brushing teeth or shaving.
  • Fill basins to wash and rinse dishes, don't let the water run.
  • For a dish washer, always do short cycle loads on air dry setting.
  • Cut your lawn two to three inches high to use less water.
  • Water your lawn and garden in early morning or late afternoon.
  • Use drought-proof native plants, not grass.
  • Wash the car at a car wash or use a sponge and bucket.
  • Install a "gray water" system to water your plants and garden. 


  • Reduce miles you drive each year.
  • Car pool.
  • Take public transportation if it is safe.
  • Ride a bike, roller-blade.
  • Walk.
  • Make efficient use of car trips.
  • Don't idle your car for more than 60 seconds.
  • Tune up your car and keep the tires properly inflated.
  • Drive fuel efficient cars (40+ mpg). 


  • Use latex paint instead of oil-based or lead paint.
  • Don't top off your gas tank.
  • Don't use aerosol cans.
  • Plant trees in your area to reduce water runoff and absorb CO2.
  • Demand more nuclear power plants instead of fossil fuel.


  • Recycle bottles and cans.
  • Separate office paper, newspapers, magazines and cardboard.
  • Buy recycled paper, or better, use tree-free paper.
  • Buy in bulk or with the least amount of packaging.
  • Don't throw it away, repair it.
  • Use rags or cloth towels instead of paper.
  • Store food in reusable containers, not foil or plastic wrap.
  • Use re-washable cups, plates and utensils (even on picnics!).
  • Use rechargeable batteries, not throw-aways.
  • Use cloth instead of paper napkins
  • Take used motor oil and antifreeze to your recycling facility.
  • Recycle excess paint to your local hazardous waste facility.
  • Buy long lasting, fuel-efficient tires with high re-cycled content.
  • Compost grass clippings and vegetable scraps for fertilizer.
  • Take your own cloth, string, or plastic bags to the grocery store.
  • Donate your old clothes and appliances to local charities.
  • Stop your flow of junk mail.
  • When moving, hold a garage sale/giveaway.
  • Find out and use your local recycling procedures.
  • In apartments, set up a recycling system for everybody. 


  • Don't kill what you don't plan on eating.
  • Spend time enjoying plants and animals in their natural state.
  • Pick up and discard your trash properly, take a trash bag along.
  • Don't use toxic cleaners in your home, use natural alternatives.
  • Use safe, no-phosphate detergents and dishwasher soap.
  • Use natural flea repellents for pets.
  • Don't use Styrofoam, it breaks up and kills marine life.
  • Don't use lawn/garden pesticides.
  • Use natural compost instead of chemical fertilizers.
  • Buy clothes made of unbleached, organically-grown cotton.
  • Build a backyard wildlife refuge
  • Plant native trees in your neighborhood or wildlife area. 


  • Grow your own food.
  • Buy organically grown food.
  • Eat low down on the food chain (less meat and dairy, and more fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes). 


Original list by Dr.  Ron Epstein. Minor additions/deletions by myself.