Star's Stellar Journal

Church Homecomming

Well so far today has gone really well.  Had a nice time at church.  Had a  marvelous potluck meal after the morning service.  No service tonight but my youth group are going to our local Women's Care Center to help fix up some little gifts that they are going to give out to different churches.

Leaving for that at 3pm so this is going to be really short.  Then I'll add more when I get home tonight.  Next week is homecoming at school.  We get to dress up in outfits that fit the theme for the day like: Pajama Day,Super Star Day, 70's Day, Crazy Wacky Day, and Green and Gold Day.

It's a lot of fun I hope to have pics of me dressed up on the days for you guys!Well g2g for now I'll let you know bout the rest of my day later.  Byes



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