Bev's Babbling Blog

Frustrated and feeling stupid...

First of all let me start off by saying I did not realize it had been this long since i had updated my blog.  I knew I had been trying to keep myself busy this week but everytime I went to put something in here I just never did. 

Anyway, This past Sunday I went to see my grandparents that live about an hour away from me.  I don't get to see them very much so it was nice to see them.  My grandpa has alzeimers and it gets harder and harder to see him going downhill.  He thought I was my cousin all day and was just basically confused, but it was still nice to see him.  My grandma really has her hands full trying to deal with him every day. 

The rest of the week I have just spent trying to still figure out some things going on in my head and heart.  The last time I posted I was not at a good place and I can't say that I am much better but then that is nothing new around here.  I live with somebody that can tear me up one minute then act the next minute like nothing is wrong. 

I decided it was time to get my hair cut.  I had been letting it grow for at least 2 years and it was the longest it had ever been.  I liked it long but it was getting to where it looked unhealthy so it was time.  I spent the last few days looking on the computer at hairstyles.  I found one I liked and went yesterday to get it cut.  It is very different then anything I have ever had before but I like it.  Everybody that has seen it so far pretty much just say  "well, it is different" I don't know if that is just their way of saying "I don't like it" or what.  I like it so I guess that should be all that matters. 

My intentions were to put pictures before and after in my gallery so any of you online that wanted to look at it and maybe give me an honest opinion could do so.  I stayed up til 3 am last night trying to figure out why my picutres will not download.  So until I can figure out what is going on, you just have to take my word for it. 

This is where the frustrating part comes in.  I don't pretend to know allot about computers but I am usually pretty good at figuring things out when there is a problem.  Even if it is through trial and error.  But from the looks of things with my pictures....I have done nothing but make it worse. 

Everybody I talk to online that knows more then I do about computers don't know how to fix it or they are too busy to try to help.  I guess I will just keep trying to figure it out. 

Well, I guess that is all for now.  If I ever get the pictures in my gallery then I will be sure and let ya know. 

Take Care and God Bless,


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